
CSU Canine Cancer Q&A Video

CSU Q & A Video on Canine Cancer from the Morris Animal Foundation

CSU Q & A Video on Canine Cancer from the Morris Animal Foundation

Do you have some basic questions about canine cancer?  This 25 minute video from the Morris Animal Foundation’s Canine Cancer Campaign features a question and answer session with three of the top veterinary oncologists at the Colorado State University’s Animal Cancer Center.  This excellent video features information about the most common types of cancers, breeds most often affected, new trends in treatment options and what to do if you don’t have a veterinary oncologist near you. 


If you would like more information about the Animal Cancer Center, the Morris Animal Foundation, or the other resources mentioned in the video, click on one of the links below. 

Morris Animal Foundation
MAF Canine Cancer Campaign
CSU Animal Cancer Center
Veterinary Cancer Society
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM)

And, if you would like to help advance canine cancer research, or help other pet owners who cannot afford lifesaving cancer treatments for their dogs, please consider making a donation today.  No matter how large or small, every dollar helps in the fight against canine cancer!

Donate to Canine Cancer Research
Donate to Help Dogs Receive Cancer Treatment

