
Prednisone For Canine Cancer (Canine Lymphoma)

Canine Lymphoma

Dogs develop some cancers at very high rates, according to the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M. Although sometimes used for other types of cancer, lymphoma and mast cell tumors are the cancers most likely to include prednisone as part of treatment.

Prednisone is part of glucocorticoids class of hormones. It is used for its anti-inflammatory ability, according to Wendy C. Brooks, D.V.M.

Side Effects
Prednisone side effects include excessive thirst and urination, latent bladder infection, gastro-intestinal problems and increased blood sugar levels and appetite. If prednisone is stopped abruptly, it can cause problems related to shutting off of your dog’s natural corticosteroid production, according to Brooks.

Lymphoma is a malignant cancer resulting in tumors that grow in your dog’s organs. Prednisone use for lymphoma is usually in conjunction with chemotherapy drugs depending on the protocol used, according to Vetinfo. Prednisone may be used alone to control symptoms and short-term remission.

Mast cell tumors is cancer that affects the mast cells. The tumors cause the cells to release chemicals that damage the body, according to the Canine Cancer Website. Surgery to remove the tumor is preferred. Prednisone is the preferred treatment for high-grade tumors, with or without chemotherapy.

Prednisone does not cure cancer. It may help your dog go into remission, decrease cancer symptoms and improve chemotherapy drug response.

Do not use with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to avoid gastro-intestinal bleeding.

Source: eHow.com

Canine Lymphoma

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